It was a big weekend. Saturday Herriott Sports Performance hosted a talk by Brian Frank, the owner of Hammer Nutrition. I went in and met Brian briefly, but had to leave before the lecture because one of my oldest friends (as in I’ve known her longer than just about any of my friends) was getting married. Apparently Hammer is coming out with a couple new bar flavors this year, which is good because when I was living with a Hammer athlete I got really tired of Almond Raisin and Chocolate Chip. Don’t get me wrong, the bars are great, but when you’re eating a bar an hour on the bike, you can get sick of pretty much anything.
The wedding was awesome. Emily and Ben had already done the legal part of the marriage, so the ceremony was simple. They turned on some music, walked out in front of everyone, said some nice things to each other, then directed us to enjoy the party. The entire ceremony took about 2 minutes, which is short enough to maintain my attention.
As for the party, it was like a middle school reunion. Many of the people there I haven’t seen in ten years, and it was so long ago I can’t remember much about any of them. It’s a little strange to know everyone’s name at a party, but have no clue what they’ve done with their life. ( “Hey Maggie. Did I ever tell you how much fun I had at your Batmizfa?” ) Regardless (or maybe I should say, ‘as a result of which’), the party was a lot of fun. (Hooray!)
Sunday was Lunafest, a film festival by for about women. I went with my friend Tom, a local cyclist, and we were likely the only men there. It was a great time, though the turnout was probably less than the Luna Chix and the Breast Cancer Fund had hoped for. The films ranged from cute to humorous to weird to meaningful, and ranged from a minute to twenty. My favorite was (of course) called Breaking Boundaries, about Sandra Van Ert, an amazing ski / snowboard racer who redefined age in her competition. The other greats of the show were Family Reunion, about a girl struggling with the decision to come out to her family in Iceland (she’s stressing out when, at his birthday party, her grandfather announces that his friend and roommate is also his loving partner), and a very strange film, the guarantee, about a man who was encouraged to get a nose job in order to further his ballet career. I was not the target audience for these films, but I managed to have a good time anyway.
Oh, and going back to variety, there were Luna Sunrise bars and Luna Tea Cakes outside the festival. The whole line of flavors that Clif and Luna offer are really good, but I definitely recommend trying the Orange Blossom Tea Cakes, which are made in partnership with Luna Bar and The Republic of Tea.