In San Francisco

Today I flew to San Francisco after teaching my last spin class until the 18th. I’ve made my classes progressively harder, and today I gave them a little gift to remember me by while they’re stuck with a sub. At the end of class every person in the room looked as if they might fall off their spin bike. (Sweat flying in every direction, mouths open, audible panting, laying on the bars during the recovery intervals). It was awesome.

IMG_0098 Anyway, I flew on Virgin America, which is definitely different. It was also $75 from Seattle to San Francisco, which was half the price of Southwest and Alaska. Then they tried to charge me another $75 for my bike, but I negotiated down to $50 b/c that’s what they charged me the time before. (They put a note on my account that says I should be charged full price next time, so this is probably my last flight on Virgin America.) When you walk onto a VA plane you notice the purple lighting and “house” music, with a nice steady base line. I never saw the movie Soul Plane, but I’m guessing it was a lot like flying VA, only with Snoop Dogg on board.

Chris Tremonte left Seattle on Alaska Air 15 minutes before me and got to his gate at SFO at the same time, which was perfect because we were able to meet at the rental car desk and drive together to the Cow Hallow Suites on Lombard Street. I love this hotel. I was here to have an exam proctored last year, and it’s great. Good location, nice staff, free wifi, and free apples at the front desk.

We went to whole foods and gorged on veggies and fruit. Now Chris is walking around the hotel room naked. I think it might have something to do with the purity of our dinner. Or maybe he’s just following my example. I’m not sure.


2008_10_31 023In College I developed a theory about tapering. “No matter how little you’re doing, you can always do less.” This was particularly helpful for the three summers during my collegiate career when I swam only once a day and worked 45 hours a week (timing traffic signals in Seattle, which I apparently did so poorly that yesterday’s ballot had an initiative which offered my former department a rather sizeable raise. I voted no, along with 60% of Washington voters). Due to the job (and possibly also my insatiable social appetite), I was only swimming 12 hours a week at a maximum, but since it was summer break, I rarely made it a week without skipping a workout to sleep off a night of fun with friends. Still, when it came time to taper, I was always the first person to hit the brakes.

We would be in practice 12 days out from a race, and when the coach would give us a 3km set I would start whining. If I didn’t get out of it I would put in a half-hearted effort, and the next day the coach would just tell me to leave after the warm-up set. It worked out pretty well.

My first summer I didn’t rest enough for Nationals (2002 in Fort Lauderdale, where Phelps set his first World Record in the 400IM, and Coughlin became the first woman under a minute in the 100m backstroke. ). I raced tired and swam unremarkable times that weren’t even close to making finals. The next year I followed my plan for doing less than everyone else once taper started, and I did much better. Then in 2004 I did an even better job of cutting back more than everyone else and I ended up winning the consolation heat in the 200IM, which gave me a ninth place finish at Nationals. If I had swam a little faster in the morning it would have been more like 5th. So it goes.

The theory is based in the idea that tapering should bring you down a proportion of your total training hours. If you only train 12 hours, then a 10 hour week isn’t going to give your body much of a boost, but if you’re used to training 30 hours a week then 10 hours is going to make you feel like a dog in pie heaven. Or a cat in a bed of catnip. Or a 4 year old taking NoDoze.

Still, if it takes a 4 hour week for the 12 hour athlete to recover, then shouldn’t the 30 hour athlete do even better on a 4 hour week than a 10 hour week? That’s what I want to find out.

Now I just need to decide if I’m going to shave my entire body…

Giggling to Myself

All last week my parents were gone on vacation to the homeland (Missouri), which was great because I ended up with a great deal of alone time, which is something that has become increasingly rare for me.

Here are some things that made me laugh out loud to myself.

  1. On University Avenue last week there was a man passed out, half on the curb, half in the street. At first I was startled because I thought he was in trouble, so I went up and joined a couple other people in making sure he was breathing and in no need of emergency assistance. Then while they waited for the firemen to come, I went into Chipotle to buy a burrito. (This was the same day that a man poured gasoline over himself and burned himself to death in the center of the University of Washington campus, so people all walking around a little shell-shocked.) When I came back with my burrito a few minutes later the fire truck still hadn’t arrived, the man was still passed out (he didn’t look like a homeless man, or even a Seattle grunge-era heroin user), but now there was a crowd of silent imageonlookers forming a semi-circle around the man while he continued to sleep on the curb. What made me laugh out loud, was the four topless Chip & Dale’s dancers that were trying to hand out flyers to all the women in the crowd. I really wish I had my camera at this point – try to picture this scene – gloomy depressed looking people trying to see if this man is drugged, hurt, or just sleeping, hoping that it’s not another public suicide, and meanwhile four topless men with bowties are tapping their shoulders with coupons to a ladies night club. I laughed so hard I got weird looks.
  2. I have a new favorite sports blog. It’s Steve Stenzel’s blogspot page. If you have any doubts, look at him cheering at a Halloween 5k:

  3. There’s a guy that swims in the fast lane at the IMA. He wear fins and paddles and is still the slowest person in the lane. One day this girl Stephanie that sometimes joins in on workouts with me was kicking faster than he was swimming with all his equipment, at which point I declared that anyone who cannot swim as fast as a person kicked while wearing every piece of cheater gear possible, should not be in the fast lane. As we share a lane with this guy more often it has become apparent that he dislikes me more than I dislike him. So last week when I asked “When you’re kicking, would you please stay a little farther to the right?” He responded with “This is an open lane, stop F-ing harrassing me!” Then went to complain to the pool management. Now, the pool management doesn’t exactly think highly of me, but they still responded by telling the guy he was out of line and needed to be more polite or move to a different lane. Now he gives me dirty looks and gets out much sooner than he used to. This whole situation makes me laugh out loud, which doesn’t help the dirty looks.
  4. Last week I stopped at Taco Del Mar and bought three burritos. The lady thought I was insane because as I was describing how I wanted each burrito to be slightly different I was still sweating profusely from the hard run I had finished just moments earlier. Again, I found it hilarious, but she probably was not so amused.2008_11_03_Taper_Week 0462008_11_03_Taper_Week 048
  5.  2008_11_03_Taper_Week 049 I voted, and though it was such a great experience to drop my ballot in the drop box that should document it with a cool picture. But timing it so that I was in mid-air took a lot of time, and there were a crowd of people waiting to drop off their ballots. At first I thought they were just watching me be silly, but then I realized they were not amused. Yet again, I was the only one laughing. Here are some pictures. One that looks good, and a couple failed attempts.







Check out my K-Swiss Konas. I feel so patriotic.

What Can a Blind Man See? by Aaron Scheidies

A Typical Day in the Life of Ben Collins: Through the Eyes of Aaron Scheidies 

You all have read Ben Collin’s stories and accounts of his life. Well, I have been hanging around and training with him for the past weeks and I think I can give a pretty good account of what a typical day in the life of Ben Collins is really like.

Ben normally gets up around 6:30am and has a bowl of cereal, grabs about ten clif bars and a 2008_11_03 003handful of quarters from his parents change bag before walking to catch the bus. As he is nearing t he bus stop he will undoubtedly see a bus coming and thinks it’s his 372 bus to University of Washington. He starts running and yelling for it to wait but to his dismay it’s the 312 to Downtown, and he has just held up a bus load of people. This mistake happens every morning. Once on the bus, Ben gets out his newest prized possession, his iPhone and starts listening to music to get motivated for his morning swim. One would think he would be listening to the likes of classics from Green Day, Metalica or Bon Jovi but this is not the case. Ben has his own genre [KEXP is a great radio station. -bc]. If I knew any of the songs on his play list I would tell you but none of them ring a bell, it’s like the b-side tracks from bands that never made it out of the garage. At 7:30am Ben arrives at the UW IMA. He normally takes 2-3 trips to the John in the morning before even beginning his swim. This is probably due to the amount of green leafy vegetables he takes in but I am not sure. He walks into the pool area and I am sure the lifeguards are eyeing him just wondering if he is going to get into a tussle with any of the other swimmers or potentially with the Pool Man. The story of the Pool Man has already been discussed on previous BC blogs but is definitely a must-read for humor. His most recent encounter was with a rather hairy man that probably shouldn’t be swimming in the fast lane but does so every morning. [In short, I asked the man to please stay a little farther to the right and he responded with some four letter words and a complaint to the pool management – bc]

Ben typically swims 5,000yds every day and pretty much laps everyone in the pool every 200yds or less no matter their speed. Ben loves his butterfly so on his recovery days he typically does more than half his workout butterfly. The others in the pool also love it when he swims butterfly because then they get to work on their ocean swimming simulation. He creates some pretty good chop with his dolphin kick. Following swimming Ben will have a Cliff Bar  in the shower and then go into the locker room to get changed. Ben has two lockers rather than one like everyone else because he claims to have too much stuff! [fins, paddles, running shoes and bike shoes do not fit in one little cubby locker! – bc] He puts on a K Swiss get-up and then heads up to the IMA Rec Office where Carrie, his boss, works. He cooks his oats in the small kitchenette using a random plastic bowl that is borrowed by many. The kitchenette has no table so Ben just sits on the floor. Others in the office walk by and look in as they pass and wonder who the random kid on the floor is and how he got into the kitchen.

After eating a full bowl of oats Ben gets sleepy and sometimes he asks to open his boss’s office so he can take a nap under her desk before she gets in. If he does this he normally sleeps until she comes into work (1hr) and then wakes up because she needs someplace to put her feet. Disgruntled from the rude awakening, Ben then gets ready to ride his bike. He teaches spin class at 12 but normally likes to ride for 2 hours so he starts spinning at 11am. For the first hour he listens to that same unknown genre that definitely does not pump me up, but I guess whatever gets you going you should roll with. The first spin class he tried to play his own music, and the class hated it, so now he plays mainly top 40 from the past decade and throws in just a few fillers from his own library. One day he had to change his play list a bit on the fly because some of his songs had inappropriate lyrics for a university class that he somehow didn’t catch:  “F- this and Kiss my ***”.  After 1hr Ben takes another Clif Bar. He likes the Maple Nut ones the best. Then his class comes in and he becomes very social and talkative. This is somewhat like a new Ben but it only lasts for the 12-1pm hour and then he goes back to the more reserved and witty BC.

At 1pm Ben changes from his biking clothes and then gets ready to run. At this point he has already worked out for 3 1/2hrs. I think he has yet another Clif Bar at this point but I am not totally sure because I kind of lose count at this point. When asked what his run will be today BC replies with, “Victor says I gotta run 8 miles today.” With his blue and yellow K-Swiss Keahou’s on to match the rest of his completely K-Swizzled outfit, Ben then goes out for his run. He also always wears his Garmin and HR monitor. I’m not sure what Ben would do on a run without his beloved  Garmin. Victor says he has to stay in his heart rate range, so throughout the run he keeps checking his watch to see his HR. When I run with Ben, he shouts out the mile times that his watch automatically records. He doesn’t seem to care how fast they are, just whether I’m pushing him over his maximum allowable HR. One day we were running up a long hill near campus, Ben yells “that was an 8 minute mile, but my HR is a few beats too high, can we slow down”. No Ben, we can’t go slower or it wouldn’t even be called jogging.

Upon his return to the IMA, Ben normally goes up to Carrie’s office once again but this time not for a nap. Instead, he shares with her what is on his mind for that day and explains any pool dilemmas he has gotten himself into earlier in the day. He does this until Carrie says she has too much work to do to listen to him anymore. At this point he gets his stuff from his locker and has a Clif Builder Bar. It’s about 2:30pm and Ben has to run to make it on time to a physical therapy appt for his knee (which is recovering very well). He typically goes into his PT appointment sweaty, which I am sure, his PT loves. At his PT clinic he is not known as Ben Collins but rather “K Swiss”. While doing his exercises you hear, “K Swiss make sure you are engaging those glute muscles.”

From his PT appt he typically buys a burrito from Qdoba and boards the bus back home. At about 5:30pm he eats an early dinner 2008_10_31 001before going to a Biochemistry class at North Seattle that he is not even enrolled in. Evidently, they  messed up on his enrollment and it’s too late to enroll so he is not officially in the class [I’m waiting on a petition]. Ben still goes to class though and does at least some of the readings and homework. He always comes back with stories of one particular student in the class who thinks she knows it all and feels she needs to share it with the rest of the class. It will be interesting when the first test comes around and the teacher attempts to enter Ben’s score into the computer.

Ben returns home from his class around 8pm just in time for his second dinner that is ready to be eaten thanks to his dad, Robert. Ben tries to eat as many greens such as mustard greens, arugala  or chard as he can. He even puts greens in his Lasagna. As he eats, his dog Teisha (who is 14yrs 2008_10_31 050old) is sprawled out on the floor. Most of the time Teisha knows when there is food being eaten but since her vision and hearing aren’t great and her mobility is limited she often is just passed out in the middle of the floor. Also, while eating, Ruth Anne (Ben’s mom) comes out from her office wearing at least 2-3 pieces of Ben’s K Swiss clothing. She asks how his day went to which Ben will say something like, “That’s where that sweatshirt is. I have been looking for that for like a week.” Ruth Ann typically responds with, “Ben you need to have K Swiss send some size 9 shoes for me.” While this is all going on and while eating Ben is playing around in some way shape or form with his iPhone.

2008_10_31_Halloween 018[Here’s Aaron & Carrie eating my mustard green infested lasagna. Aaron doesn’t like the greens nearly as much as me -bc]

At about 9pm, Ben goes up to his room and talk on the phone for… Long enough -  I can’t give an accurate guess on this one, but he does it with those stupid white iPhone headphones on, so nobody that walks in knows if he’s listening to music or talking to somebody on the phone [why does everyone feel the need to walk into my room anyway? – bc]. While doing this he checks his email to see the workouts Victor has sent him for the next day. He also writes some of his “usually sarcastic” blogs that you have all read or you wouldn’t be reading this one. He logs his training hours that have been approaching 30hrs the last few weeks. He then gets ready to go to bed so  he can repeat it all again the next day. Normally Ben goes to bed about 10:00pm, but I am pretty sure I’ve heard him still talking on the phone close to midnight [a wise man once told me, “girls are trouble”. But I didn’t listen. – bc].

Thanks for the recap Aaron. You forgot to mention my yoga class, where I fall asleep and start snoring because it’s at the end of the day and I’m too tired to focus for another hour.  Or how we do such classic exercises as “the sideways zombie walk” and the “flamingo with poor balance” in the weight room after swimming in our matching K-Swiss apparel, while all the die-hard iron lifters look at us like we’re totally nuts. That’s my favorite part of the day.

Work Work Work Recover… PLAY!!!!

2008_10_31 038 I’m finally cutting back on my training to prepare for my last race of the season, the San Francisco Pan-American Cup Triathlon At Treasure Island. (Why is it that races are getting longer and longer names? I mean, if this race were to receive a title sponsor, and if the tri-cal series had another title, this could conceivable become the K-Swiss ITU San Francisco Pan-America Cup Triathlon At Treasure Island Presented by Clif Bar.)

This week has been CRAZY. Two weeks ago I broke 50 miles of running in a week for the first time in my life, then I followed it up with two more weeks at even higher volume. For the first time in my life, I can actually say, I love running. Now I get to recover, before I go play in San Francisco in a week.

To help me play faster I have a new pair of kicks from K-Swiss. They’re the all new K-Swiss Kona racing flats, and I’m going to do a personal debut at the race on next week (Chris Lieto and Matt Lieto and Leanda Cave and a bunch of others already did their debut of the Konas at Kona three weeks ago.)

Above is a picture of how awesome they are (they also come with UK Flag, or silver and white.)

I really liked running in the L-Swiss Ultra-Naturals because they were super quiet. They’re a bit like running on clouds, but I’m excited to go back to a traditional racing flat. Here’s what I discovered with my size 10’s:


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This is a picture of my new K-Swiss Kona racing flat on the left, and my old Brooks Racer ST on the right. At 270g, the Kona is 5g lighter than the Racer ST, but unlike the Brooks, the Kona has a medial posting for added stability. The Racer ST also comes in a posted stability version, but the one shown is the neutral. I’m not sure what the weight difference is between regular laces and the quickie laces I put on the Brookes, but I’m assuming it’s negligible.

Right now I’m just wearing the Kona Racing Flats around the house to get used to them, but they fit really well, and I can’t feel any seems on the inside that worry me with regards to blistering.

With the Racer ST’s, I had ritual before races that I would go through. It involved putting liquid Band-Aid on every part of my foot that would hit a seem in my racing flats, waiting for that to dry, then wrapping my foot and each individual toe in paper tape. If I was lucky, half the paper tape would still be on when I made it to the run. I may have weird feet, I don’t really know. The Racer ST’s are great shoes, but with only my in-house wear testing of the K-Swiss Kona’s I’m fairly certain that these will be better from a blister standpoint.

I have a bunch more to blog about from the past week, so I’m going to start typing now and just set everything to publish one day apart for the next week. Stay tuned for some classic awesomeness.

Happy Halloween!


2008_10_31 018 Today is one the better holidays of the year. I had a Halloween spin class, and a bunch of people dressed up. Carrie took a picture, but I am not being allowed to publish the picture, and as an instructor I’m not allowed to photograph my own class (instructor’s handbook says so). Bummer.

[Left is what I walked into my bathroom to find a few days ago. This is my mom’s idea of a practical joke.]

Today is also the last day for everyone to sign up for the Pac-10 Fitness Challenge. University of Washington is losing by a shit-ton (Thanks to Kevin Collington for that wonderful phrase), despite the fact that Aaron and I have been slaving away from 4-7pm each night this week trying to get people to sign up. If you like UW, go to the link above, register, and log all your training hours for the week. If it was more than about 500,000 hours, we might catch up to Washington State University.2008_10_31 045

[That’s Carrie Wigton (my boss) to the left handing out K-Swiss hats and energy drinks to people as they sign up. “Do you know what the Pac-10 Fitness Challenge is? If you sign up we give you free stuff!]

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[Here’s one girl registering for the Pac-10 Fitness Challenge on my computer. Isn’t my laptop cool?] 



Ok, all these photos don’t make up for the lack of seeing my spin class dressed in costumes, so I’m reposting a video that I made last spring. I have yet to come up with a good sequel, but with the season ending I made soon be forced to use my creative mind for something even more dorky.





This may still be a lame alternative to posting a picture of my spin class, so imagine this:

Me, dressed up as Sarah Palin: a red power suit, a (very) short black skirt, a dark wig that I tried to style into something like a bun (but it fell apart in my bag on the way to the gym), and my sister’s white tank top underneath (She’s 60 lbs lighter and 6 inches shorter than me).

One person showed up to class and thought he was in the wrong place.

The costumes that showed up to class were:

  • a cat (ears and a tail). This was probably the most spin-friendly costume.
  • A Baker Woman (long blue with white poka dots dress and an apron that said, “What can I bake for you?” – this costume may also be titled “Ben’s Dream Woman”)
  • Sheriff Girl (braids and a sheriff hat.)
  • a retired roller derby girl (basically just a roller derby t-shirt)
  • a tiger mask (a half-face orange mask)
  • Carrie as a football player (she only wore the padded pants and an athletic shirt and gloves – no jersey or helmet)

and the winner of the “Ben Collins’ favorite costume in his spin class” award:

  • The Prom Queen. She wore her gigantic dress all the way through class, then ripped it off in true prom queen style.

I gave away K-Swiss hats and visors and Clif Bars to everyone that wore a costume. I’m also giving away another prize: The, “Ben Collins’ Favorite Spin Instructor Ever Award”.

It goes to me.

Here’s my playlist that I got Courtenay to help me with for WAY too long:

  1. Your Ghost – Kristen Hersh (I played this before class even started)
  2. Insomnia – The Cruxshadows (Creepy goth music while people continued to come in)
  3. Walking with a Ghost – Tegan & Sara (Upbeat warmup song)
  4. Aisha – Death in Vegas (Iggy Pop on vocals. This song is about a murderer and it creeps me out the same way the TV show Dexter creeps me out.)
  5. Ghostbusters Theme – Ray Parker Jr. (no explanation needed)
  6. Tomb – Wumpscut (Another creepy goth song, but upbeat enough for the first hard interval)
  7. Werewolves in London – Warren Zevon (Another classic)
  8. Phantom of the Opera Theme (I love that song)
  9. Heart of the Party – Severed Heads (creepy)
  10. Toxic (Armand Van Helden Remix) – Britney Spears (10 min techno version for a long interval)
  11. Dead Man’s Party – Oingo Boingo
  12. Thriller – Michael Jackson (Last interval – give me everything you’re got!!)
  13. Friday the 13th Theme KSwiss
  14. Purple People Eater
  15. Organ Donor – DJ Shadow

I think the class was a huge success. And I was able to play less crappy pop music with the excuse of it being Halloween. That made me happy, and nobody seemed to mind. Tuesday I get to go back to the 60 minute Christina and Britney slut off that seems to win everyone over. Actually I had a request for an 80’s day, so I may have everyone dress up in 80’s workout clothing and give out more stuff.




I picked up a copy of MixMeister Studio, a music mixing program that will allow me to make some sweet mixes for my spin class. If they don’t love me yet, they totally will.

Now, my next project is to plan the perfect Halloween workout (for October 30th). I need some suggestions for Halloween music. See, I really hate the monster mash, but right now I’m short on ideas and it has made its way into my play list. Here’s what I have so far:

  1. Werewolf in London
  2. Thriller (a Halloween song list without thriller is like trick or treating without candy)
  3. Dead Man’s Party
  4. Spooky
  5. Friday the 13th theme
  6. Ghostbusters theme

I need twice this many songs! And they all have to be fun to ride a bicycle to! And I still need to get my costume put together!!! I have so little time!

2008 University of Washington All-Comers Intramural Swim Meet

2008_10_22_IM_Swim_Meet 014

These are the Best Friends 4 Ever! (BF4 – only there are five of us) the 2008 Champion Team from the UW Intramural Swim Meet.

Top from left: Brian Davis, Kurt Hardesty

Bottom from left: Maryann B, Ben Collins, Marijana Surkovic

We won the meet with only five people, which is awesome because I was told that it would be nearly impossible without a full roster of 14 people. Fortunately we won all but three events (I lost the 50 fly, Brian lost the 50 breast and Maryann lost something, i don’t really remember, but it doesn’t matter.)

The prize was free t-shirts!



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On the back it says: Intramural 2008-2009 CHAMPION!!

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This is Carrie (my boss)

and me…





I’m so happy right now…

Training is Hard

I’ve been so busy the past week. it’s getting really hard to find time to sit and write a blog, but I’ll do some bullets of the awesome things that have happened that I will have to write more about later.

  • image The Rocket Ride – Herriott Sports Performance started a new group ride that managed to kick my butt. After dealing with a knee injury for 6 weeks, this was my first true test of my fitness. The results? I got Dropped, caught up at a pee break, stayed with a couple attacks, got dropped, took a shortcut, caught back on, got dropped, regrouped with the chase pack at a stoplight, got dropped again, then skipped coffee to go run at the track. In other words, I have some work to do.
  • imageThe IMA pool had the lane lines in the right direction for the weekend, which made me quite  happy. Then Today, with the lane lines back to screwy perpendicular, I dropped an orange cone in the deep end for Aaron Scheidies and that made him happy. I’m convinced the pool is a foot too long, however, because I have yet to be even close to the same times when the lanes are switched.
  • image Carrie (my boss at University of Washington’s IMA) made a bunch of cds for me filled with music for spin classes. She titled all of them “Ben has no good music for spin class”. Have I mentioned how awesome she is?
  • I ran over 50 miles last week, and will do more this week, and almost every additional mile I do this week will be a fast mile. So if I imageend up doing 55 miles this week, it will be 5 more fast miles than I ran last week. It hasn’t quite sunk in yet that 55 miles is not that much.  When will I be as confident running as I am swimming?
  • The fall leaves are in full colorific display in Seattle. It makes my runs awesome.

It’s 8:15pm. I’m going to bed.

Head On

image Thursday I had a head to head collision with another swimmer. we were both fine, but it hurt a lot. The girl I ran into said she was fine. It was just a confusion about where we should be in the lane. It was the same no-line-on-bottom double wide lane that made me so angry the previous three days. The girl was swimming into the far right corner of the lane then turning around and swimming at a 45 degree angle to the other side of the lane. This was her best guess as to how she should maneuver in the lane. My best guess is to flip near the center of the lane and swim in a football shape. If I’m passing somebody I go in a smaller width football, and if I’m being passed I would swim closer to the lane lines. Unfortunately, our two methods conflicted when she didn’t see me swimming to the center of the lane to flip, pushed off, and we collided.  I moaned and rubbed my aching head for a few minutes, then floated on my back, moaned some more, talked to the girl (who was really sorry, and actually a very good swimmer – beautiful technique), and then went to the lifeguard office to fill out an incident report.

There is still not an orange cone on the bottom of the pool for Aaron to use in order to see the wall.