Feline Agenda

This week is a rest week, so I’m pretty much sleeping as much as I can, doing maintenance workouts, and getting caught up on schoolwork.I dreamt that I was hiking through the jungle and being attacked by mosquitos. I woke up several times to roll over, wondering why I was so itchy. I figured it was dry skin from the chlorine, but around 7am I awoke to see that my dear kitty was long gone, but had left a trail of dirt and grime from the floor to my pillow to the side of my bed, and where that trail ended there was a pile of cat puke.

Front Page

Herriott Sports Performance is in on the front page of the Seattle PI today! That’s right, not the sports section, not the business section, the FRONT PAGE!!  That’s pretty cool. The article is about how cycling is the new golf among business professionals. Check it our here. Heads Up: I’ll be at Mason Lake #3 […]

Glory Thief

I did a cycling race today. It was the Mason Lake Road Race on Washington’s Olympic Peninsula. I went down with Brian Davis and his wife Marijana. This was Brian’s first road race, and my second, so we were both entered in the Cat 5 group.  Marijana and I have had our differences in the […]

Peggy McDC – Kiwi Prep

I received an email from my friend Peggy, the Grand Masters triathlete from Santa Barbara who kicked butt at her seventh Kona Ironman last year. She didn’t send pictures because her kids have yet to teach her how to use a digital camera, but I thought this story was pretty funny.

“hi, from new zealand again.  i’m down here getting ready to do the ironman on saturday.  as i write this thursday morning, it’s early afternoon wednesday for you on pacific time. 
” i got down here sunday and did the usual: got a car, meandered down, came to the same low-key lodging about four blocks up from the race site.  all is well.