This week my coach, Dr. Michael McMahon gave me the rare opportunity to do whatever I wanted. I figured the season was over, and that meant I could do some new activities, maybe row with my mom and sister, rock climb, hike, or maybe something crazy, like just chilling. My creative thoughts were overwhelmed by […]
Author Archives: Ben
Running with Dad and Red Lace
The past three days I’ve been running with my Dad (he rides his bike). He’s hurting because he hasn’t been out with me in months. Today we ran my 10k loop which turns out to be 12.2km. It has a nice hill from 3k to 5k,where I see how far I can get ahead of […]
My Mentor
A year ago I was living in Hawaii. I had just returned from World Champs in Switzerland, and was on the disabled list. My sources of income were teaching bike safety to 4th graders and cooking at an Indian restaurant. Life was pretty good. Hawaii was where I became interested in triathlon, or at least […]
Slumber Party
I am exhausted. I thought I would get back from my last race and be ready to party like a rock star, but alas, my bed is the only venue I’m interested in. Today I was supposed to meet some people from Advocare at a product show they put on in Seattle, but I fell […]
I am back home. I’m not sure why I picked such a late flight out of Oakland, but now it’s midnight and I’m exhausted. The past two days were a jumble of quick hello’s and goodbye’s and I was squeezed paper thin trying to see as many people as possible in my final hours of […]
Crash, Burn, I almost got Chicked.
Honestly, Karma’s a b****. And for some reason it’s been catching up to me really quick lately. I made fun of Brian Davis for a giant pimple on his face, and that night I woke up with a volcano ready to erupt. Then I spent a week responding to wishes of "good luck" with "I […]
My Future’s so Dry, I Gotta Wear Socks
Treasure Island Triathlon is now a Duathlon. I have to say, the ecological damage the oil spill is doing means a lot more to me than the fact that I now have to run 6.5km really fast in order to get into a good group on the bike. All the poor birds! A little knowledge […]
End of the Rainbow
I’m back in San Francisco for a week. I flew into Oakland last night because Southwest is super cheap (even the bike fee is less than most other airlines). Loren picked me up, gave me dinner, then said goodnight because (like most athletes with real jobs) he had to run at 5am this morning. I […]
My Mitochondria
This is the Historical Fremont Bridge in Seattle. My mom didn’t take up rowing until she was 50, but even with a late start she’s still at the top of masters rowing. She races against former Olympians at FISA World Championships, and makes mothers all over the world go home with tears in their eyes. […]
C is for Cookie…
I’m not sure this picture even deserves a caption We had close to 200 trick or treaters at my house last night. We live in what you might call a “destination spot” for Halloween. Parents put their kids on buses to come to our neighborhood. I didn’t have a costume, so I turned an old […]