This morning after swimming I had two eggs and a bowl of cereal, which is pretty much standard. That was 7am, but now it’s noon and I wanted to find something un-standard to satisfy my hunger (and to power a lunchbreak nap). I’m not a huge banana fan, but after eating 4 lbs of strawberries […]
Author Archives: Ben
I Want My Maps!
I did some really cool long workouts over the weekend. When I went to upload the data from my Forerunner 305 the maps didn’t show. Only the shorter workouts would show up, so I clicked ‘upload’ again in the Motionbased agent – still no luck. Turns out last week when I switched the data […]
El Vez – The Mexican Elvis
Last night I went to a show that I knew nothing about beforehand. It was El Vez – The Mexican Elvis. It was 80 minutes of rock song covers with Weird Al style lyrics driving home an extremely unambiguous political message. While singing songs for immigrant rights, Bush bashing, and getting out of Afghanistan and […]
Gotta Get Out
Friday morning around 4:40am my mom and I were fighting over containers of Clif Electrolyte Drink and Base Amino in a rush to get to our respective 5am workouts. Normally this quality time with my mother has very little in the way of conversation (I try not to fully wake up until about 300 yards […]
Unrested Racing
Recently I was browsing through some other triathlon blogs and I saw two posts that peaked my interest. One person was preparing for a race, which he described as a "training race". To him it meant that he should put no focus on the race, and instead he would train beforehand in such a way […]
The Graveyard Shift
I don’t feel like writing today, so I’m posting a video from my ride instead. .
Juerge Feldman of FaCT Canada
Saturday, after my 10 mile, no warm-up, supposed to be a recovery pace ride, all-out time trial to see my mom race, I rode over to HSP to see a physiology workshop by Juerge Feldman. I knew going in that Juerge is a big promoter of Spiro Tigers, which are apparatae for training your respiratory […]
Opening Day
Today is one of the 90 or so days a year that you go outside just bask in the glory that is the Pacific Northwest. It makes my 275 days of whining about the weather seem worthwhile. Go I love Seattle. Is there any more perfect place? Today, I think not. Yesterday was one of […]
5am workouts
I turns out that 5am comes after 4am. This has been a question I’ve had for a very long time. I knew from college that 4am existed, but I was pretty sure that after closing time the night stopped (true, some people push this into after parties, which lead to after after-parties, which lead to […]
Schedule Change
There’s a reason my race calander says "tentative" when I send it to people. Yesterday I added another race to it, the Seoul Asia Cup in South Korea (I added the country for those who failed 6th grade geography). Actually, South Korea is technically ‘The Republic of Korea’. A good friend of mine from high […]