Endorphins Rule

Ok, I really didn’t think I”d write again before October, but since my last posting I’ve had a change of fate. Unfortunately Aaron Scheidies still has a lost wallet and feels that the universe is conspiring against him, but I had a great weekend. Aaron stayed last night and we went to a Juju party […]


I went to physical therapy today. Nothing abnormal, I got my legs loosened up – my quads are all knotted up – and then I was hooked up to e-stim. Jake (the PT) asked if I’d like a magazine, and I told him I’d rather just pass out, which I did. But it wasn’t a […]

Gas Money Cleans Lakes

The past week in Seattle has been amazing weather. Temperate, sunny, clear skies, clean air… There’s no better place to be than summer in Seattle. Something is different this year, however, when I look out across Lake Washington. It’s quiet. There aren’t a lot of waves. There are twice as many kayakers and sailboats and […]