Kona Day

Saturday was the Ironman World Championships, which is the one day of the year where I don’t have to pretend to care about ironman, and will actually sit and watch the coverage, by choice, and with enthusiasm. The Kona Ironman is is inspiring. I almost raced it in 2006, but (luckily) I broke my wrist […]

Spinning Music?

I signed up to teach a spin class at U of Washington. It starts in a week, so I have until Tuesday to build a repository of good spin music. Anyone have suggestions? (What I mean is PLEASE HELP ME!!!)


I’m also trying to figure out what I should be for Halloween this year. The only rule is it has to be better than my cookie monster outfit last year.


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Lap Swimming

If everyone else didn’t suck, life would be easier. Ok, maybe that’s a little harsh, but sometimes the interactions I have during morning lap swim (or lap swim at any time really) can put me in a bad mood. Here is a short list of things that annoy me at the pool: (if you disagree, […]

7 Soggy Days

The seven day forecast for Seattle says rain, rain, rain, rain, rain, rain, rain. There might be a “partly cloudy” and a “showers” in there, but those are just to make Seattleites feel better about the looming grey and darkness that will take over the city soon. This forecast is usually the first sign of […]

I’m tolerant, I just don’t believe in equality.

I don’t like to write about political events (it doesn’t really fit under the mission statement of my blog), but last night’s VP debate is all that’s on my mind today. I was fired up at the pool this morning, but I had the lane to myself, so I couldn’t even swim butterfly over someone […]