
In College I developed a theory about tapering. “No matter how little you’re doing, you can always do less.” This was particularly helpful for the three summers during my collegiate career when I swam only once a day and worked 45 hours a week (timing traffic signals in Seattle, which I apparently did so poorly […]


I picked up a copy of MixMeister Studio, a music mixing program that will allow me to make some sweet mixes for my spin class. If they don’t love me yet, they totally will. Now, my next project is to plan the perfect Halloween workout (for October 30th). I need some suggestions for Halloween music. […]

2008 University of Washington All-Comers Intramural Swim Meet

These are the Best Friends 4 Ever! (BF4 – only there are five of us) the 2008 Champion Team from the UW Intramural Swim Meet. Top from left: Brian Davis, Kurt Hardesty Bottom from left: Maryann B, Ben Collins, Marijana Surkovic We won the meet with only five people, which is awesome because I was […]

Training is Hard

I’ve been so busy the past week. it’s getting really hard to find time to sit and write a blog, but I’ll do some bullets of the awesome things that have happened that I will have to write more about later. The Rocket Ride – Herriott Sports Performance started a new group ride that managed […]

Head On

Thursday I had a head to head collision with another swimmer. we were both fine, but it hurt a lot. The girl I ran into said she was fine. It was just a confusion about where we should be in the lane. It was the same no-line-on-bottom double wide lane that made me so angry […]