I’ve been so busy the past week. it’s getting really hard to find time to sit and write a blog, but I’ll do some bullets of the awesome things that have happened that I will have to write more about later.
The Rocket Ride – Herriott Sports Performance started a new group ride that managed to kick my butt. After dealing with a knee injury for 6 weeks, this was my first true test of my fitness. The results? I got Dropped, caught up at a pee break, stayed with a couple attacks, got dropped, took a shortcut, caught back on, got dropped, regrouped with the chase pack at a stoplight, got dropped again, then skipped coffee to go run at the track. In other words, I have some work to do.
The IMA pool had the lane lines in the right direction for the weekend, which made me quite happy. Then Today, with the lane lines back to screwy perpendicular, I dropped an orange cone in the deep end for Aaron Scheidies and that made him happy. I’m convinced the pool is a foot too long, however, because I have yet to be even close to the same times when the lanes are switched.
Carrie (my boss at University of Washington’s IMA) made a bunch of cds for me filled with music for spin classes. She titled all of them “Ben has no good music for spin classâ€. Have I mentioned how awesome she is?
- I ran over 50 miles last week, and will do more this week, and almost every additional mile I do this week will be a fast mile. So if I
end up doing 55 miles this week, it will be 5 more fast miles than I ran last week. It hasn’t quite sunk in yet that 55 miles is not that much. When will I be as confident running as I am swimming?
- The fall leaves are in full colorific display in Seattle. It makes my runs awesome.
It’s 8:15pm. I’m going to bed.
that ride sounds hard. when will i be confident running and swimming?