
2008_06_08_Alcatraz 002 I was feeling bad that I haven’t taken any pictures since I got to California, and also that my post yesterday completely digressed from what I intended to talk about. So here is a picture of what I made myself for lunch today. (I was proud enough to get my camera out for this).

It’s spinach with fresh strawberry, and chicken (cooked with diced onion, lemon, garlic, fennel seeds and sage). Yes, that’s a princess plate. And yes, I could have taken a better pic, but then I wouldn’t have the Bay in the background, which is my segue.

Sunday I’ll be swimming in these waters. Apparently I should be more worried about the cold water than the sharks that are going to be biting me, but since I’ve been swimming in 48 degree lake water already this year, it’s the sharks that I’m scared of.

I’ve never done this race, so in order to prepare myself I’ve ridden the course, and yesterday I ran the 8 miles. It’s tough. Flat for two miles, then you go up, then down, then run on sand, then climb a sand ladder, then go up then go down, then run flat for two more miles. I like things that are hard for everyone, so this should be a lot of fun.

I mentioned the sand ladder. It’s not really made of sand. It’s made of rope and logs, but it’s laying in the sand. I was excited to see this ladder for the first time, but when I finally got my first glimpse it was jaded by an older man standing at the base of the steps – completely naked! He had no hat, no pants, no shirt, no shoes, and I could not see any such items laying around. He did have a small dog – some kind of terrier or Chihuahua, that he was watching (and so was I because it was a distraction). I’m not sure where he left his clothes, but it was nowhere in site. As I started my way up the sand ladder I thought to myself, "I wonder if this is a nude beach?" Luckily, the burn in my legs overtook that sudden primordial urge to streak across Marshal Beach.

Published by Ben

Ben Collins Professional Triathlete

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  1. so not to add to things to be scared of, but just to bring you up to my level of terrified: there were these seals last year that had eaten some toxic mold or something and they lost it a little and they attacked like 3 or 4 swimmers in the bay. all the swimmers were fine but the seals chased them out of the water. how crazy is that.

  2. More of a snacker, it’s an off day, it’s my second lunch, and I’m catching up to Loren on Memorial Muffins. (current score is 8.5 to 6). Despite Loren calling me “Lat man” and “fatty” and saying things like, “OH MY GOD HE’s HUGE!” while watching the FSN coverage of the South Beach Triathlon, I’m not anorexic.

  3. ok now i don’t feel lame for having two grilled cheeses for dinner last night or for having kettle chips for breakfast this morning.

    well, not as lame. i do admit that i need to go to the store and get some real food. however this shopping trip is not going to include pureed pumpkin and other muffin-like ingredients. i am sick of them and i haven’t even eaten one ;)!


    When we were in Tahoe we were waiting for Courtenay and Greg and these people at a table nearby were talking about doing the race and that’s exactly what one of the friends said. It’s SO DUMB AND IT MAKES ME WANT TO RIP MY HAIR OUT!

    Anyway, there are no sharks to be worried about, as you well know. Maybe crazy sea lions – I’ll give Kelly that.

    Maybe you’ll like Alcatraz more than I did. People love it, but…eh. I just think it’s overhyped I guess. I loved the run the most of all 3, but that probably had to do with the fact that the fog rolled in on the swim so I had NOTHING to sight off of (really…nothing) and that got scary and old after 30 minutes and then I got cold; the bike I nearly ate it or caused other people to eat it several times, so by the run I was just happy that I could see and have my own space around me.

    Since you’ll go first you will have MUCH more room on the street to ride; then I imagine it will be much more enjoyable!!

    I’m volunteering on the run course. I’ll yell “GO BEN GO BEN GO BEN YEAH!” 🙂

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