Yesterday after swimming for the first time in a week (and kicking Aaron’s butt), I drove through ice and snow to Redmond, where Peter Reid (3-time IM World Champ) was giving a talk at East Side Multisport (ESM). (Chris Tremonte was dueling with excitement, Left)The talk was mostly about Trigger Point (it’s a self massage system), which I have and frequently use. I actually had to leave before they finished because I was worried about getting across the floating bridge if the weather got any worse. While I was there I did get to talk to Ben Bigglestone from Blue
Seventy (he and his wife Cindy run ESM), who told me about some of the improvements they’ve made for 2008 to the already awesome Helix wetsuit. Blue Seventy has a lot of good things going for them. They have the best wetsuit on the market, and with the recent FINA approval of the pointzero3 Kona Sensation, we could be seeing the Blue Seventy Logo on the pool deck in Beijing. That’s cool.
[left: Peter Reid and the creator of Trigger Point Pefromance Therapy]
After ESMS I drove carefully back to Seattle and met up with some friends to watch football. Berkeley got served by Stanford, which greatly upset my friend Peter. I left after dinner with the intent of going home to change then head downtown for my first party night of off-season. Three hours later I was half asleep on the floor watching Sopranos with ice on my ankle. So far, this off-season sucks.
Aaron asked Peter what team he was rooting for, to which Peter responded by pointing to his sweatshirt (text is not very effective in communicating to a blind person.). That’s Sarah on the left, they’re both lawyers (I’d make a lawyer joke here, but lawyers find them offensive and everyone else thinks they’re true.).
Tonight I’m making spinach tofu marsala. It’s a recipe I learned while working as a chef at an Indian restaurant. mmm..good…
Did Peter remember you from water patrol?
I think he’d have to – I mean, he’s got that rediculously curly hair. Ben I got you a coaching gig here. When I’m handing out swimming tips to triathletes at the pool – you know it’s bad. Today I saw the lesser known ‘cross-over stroke'(right arm touches left shoulder), the ‘giant X with your legs stroke’ (legs kicking about 2 yards up and down) and the ‘agitator strok’ (as in, you rotate so quickly and violently that people think they’re in a washing machine).