7 Soggy Days

image The seven day forecast for Seattle says rain, rain, rain, rain, rain, rain, rain. There might be a “partly cloudy” and a “showers” in there, but those are just to make Seattleites feel better about the looming grey and darkness that will take over the city soon. This forecast is usually the first sign of Fall in the emerald city. Then again, it’s also the first sign of winter, spring and summer. One year it rained 100 days straight (I swam indoors, so it didn’t really matter to me. Plus, I liked driving in the rain because it was easy to make my car do drifts – now I hate driving and prefer to train outdoors.).  Today a storm is blowing through, so I decided to watch a couple episodes of Dexter while I rode my bike indoors. Then the power went out, so I listened to my iPod while staring at a blank screen with no fan on. After that got boring I called Victor, Chris Tremonte and Kevin Collington hoping that I could get a report on Scott Tinley’s Triathlon, which happened to day. Brian Fleischmann won, then Ethan Brown, and Victor Plata was third.  Chris was 10th and Kevin ended up 11th after a rough day. I would have been stoked to race, but at this point I probably would have had an even worse day than Kevin. I’m just happy to be riding my bike again, even if it’s only a limited amount. Loren suggested I just claim victory because nobody that beat me at the race last year showed up this year. True, but this year it rained and was miserable and even with bike splits over an hour the top two times were faster than the Greg’s winning time in 2007. I guess I have my work cut out for me at Tinley’s in 2009.

[Note about the photograph: I love this image, but I can’t seem to figure out who took it. The site I got it from is under construction, but when I figure out the artist, I’ll certainly link to him/her]

Published by Ben

Ben Collins Professional Triathlete

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  1. The swim course and/or run course was shorter. Not that I really care, but where they put in the swim buoys and where they place the turn-around cone on the run varies year to year, so overall time is pretty much irrelevant. So don’t sweat it.

    when are you coming here to train? It shouldn’t rain here again much until November at least. I should be in decent running shape soon.

  2. dear i<3bc,
    aside from a 30% chance of saturday rain, incline’s looking good for the next 10 days.
    so my questions to you: what the fuck is wrong with SEATTLE?!?! and when do you want to ride around MY lake?!
    B-) ,

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